What I Listen To
The History of English Podcast
- Website; Apple Podcasts
- I could keep listening to it for hours. There were always bits by which I felt better connected to the past of the most widely used language today. The host Kevin Stroud was a Boston attorney and this podcast started off as his side project (probably still is). I always got well-researched history content and no ads. The continuous and immersive listening experience has become rare in the burgeoning fields of podcasting. Kevin set a mark for a side project!
Lex Fridman Podcast
- Website
- The quality of guests was unmatched. It started as a podcast on Artificial Intelligence, but the topics expanded beyond that. I had numerous moments of enlightment by just listening to the top minds in different fields. This coincided with a Chinese proverb “a single conversation with a great mind makes one learn more than what is from reading books for ten years” (“听君一席话 胜读十年书”). I also found the personal history of many guests quite interesting.
Caspian Report
- Channel
- It was a Youtube video channel on geopolitics technically, but I listened to it more like a podcast. The host Shrivan lived in one of the Caspian countries (Azerbaijan?) thus the channel name. The episodes covered the geopolitics of the past, now and future. The lack of theatrics in Shrivan’s clear verbal narration, at least to me, was a feature, often a sharp contrast to the topics he covered.
The audio recording of The Feynman Lectures on Physics